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China (NCSC) Energy Policy Simulator

The China (NCSC) Energy Policy Simulator (EPS) is a free and open-source computer model created by Energy Innovation (EI) and adapted for China in partnership with China's National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation (NCSC) and China's Energy Research Institute.


In 2016, the organizations listed above jointly released an Executive Summary with key findings for China based on analysis performed with the China (NCSC) EPS. New and improved versions of the China (NCSC) EPS were released in 2017 and 2023. The results will be updated based on the new version of the simulator and new policy packages. In the meantime, the 2016 documents remain available for download:

Note on Different Versions of the China EPS

While the EPS software is free and open-source, the China (NCSC) EPS contains some proprietary input data that are not available for download. It is one of two national-level China EPSs. If you would like to download the EPS model and code, please request a download of the iGDP version of the China EPS, which is built with publicly available data. Model results differ between the NCSC and iGDP versions of the China EPS due to differences in the proprietary input data used in the NCSC EPS and the public inputs used in the iGDP EPS.

Acknowledgement of Contributors and Reviewers

We would like to acknowledge the following people who helped adapt the Energy Policy Simulator for China. Individuals are listed by organization and alphabetically by last name unless otherwise noted.


  • Chai Qimin
  • Huang Zihan
  • Li Moyu
  • Liu Qiang
  • Li Xiaomei
  • Ma Yujie
  • Tian Chuan
  • Tian Shuang
  • Zheng Xiaoqi


  • Jiang Kejun
  • He Chenmin

Energy Innovation (listed by first name)

  • Fei Meng
  • Jeffrey Rissman
  • Megan Mahajan
  • Minshu Deng
  • Robbie Orvis
  • Sonia Aggarwal
  • Todd Fincannon
  • Xiuli Zhang

Innovative Green Development Program

  • Hu Min
  • Xi Xi
  • Yang Li

Version History

3.4.7 - July 26, 2023

  • Updated model platform to 3.4.7 from 1.2.4
  • Updates to underlying data sources

1.2.4 - September 29, 2017

  • Initial Release

Software License

The Energy Policy Simulator (EPS) is released under the GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3) or any later version and is free and open-source software. Refer to the Software License page for full details.

Image Credits

Great Hall Of The People At Night
License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
Changes: Image has been cropped and a fade has been applied to the left side.